Today I call forth all parts essences and energies that are the I am of ——————-(place your name here).
I completely cleans and heal these parts through mother love and fathers compassion before the integrate back into my every breath.
It is with gratitude, I lovingly return all energies, essences, and body parts that do not belong to “me”(using your name again may have more strength).
Today I honor my journey and the journey of all who have chosen to be here. I allow peace to fill my cells, as I strengthen my immune system, my body is strong as the Christ rises within me. Every word I speak is love every breath I take is new life and opportunity. I choose to be in alignment with my God self as I see God in all that is around me and within the hearts of all.
Today I end the cycle of suffering as I am responsible for my thoughts and actions so too shall I honor the path of another and choose to hold the light in my wake.
In loving service to God-
And so it is