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Sasquatch and their wisdom !

Writer's picture: lizhajdulizhajdu

Updated: Mar 22, 2024

Sasquatch and their wisdom :

(This is an article published by Inelia Benz)

For anyone who has read this article on Sasquatch as well as the included comments and is wondering about the soul…

I am referring to the first paragraph of the comment by Petra Bucenieks (Mar 29, edited Apr 6) :

“That's a very interesting story the elders tell about the Sasquatch not taking souls when they were offered them. i'm wondering if it also could have something to do with the Tower of Babel event, which is recorded not only in the Bible, but also in many indigenous civilization's oral histories ? After this event, humans lost the ability to both communicate with each other telepathically, as well as with their own body. Humans needed to then develop mental-based, spoken languages which had to be learned rather then being automatically inherent. But it also led to the development of our brain, specifically the specialization of the left hemisphere for logical thinking, something we would not have developed if we had continued to use only our intuitive, body-oriented abilities.”

I sat with this for a few days and today I asked the Sasquatch I communicate with if they where willing to share any comment about this and themselves that I could share in this group and close friends who have a true interest in Sasquatch.

Here is what they shared with me :

Sasquatch, answer to the soul refusal aspect :

Yes they refused the implanting of soul in their physical body. The given soul was to be a portal to the cosmos and home, but could be infiltrated and used as a portal for shadow. They refused this gift as they stayed one with nature which is souled in its own way, they knew the purpose of this choice by humanity and decided to hold space fo the true codes of nature together with nature, while humanity was choosing for and going into their venture of distortion and infiltration. They remained the bridging for human form, holding on to their true identity and humanity’s place in nature. This does not mean they are soulless beings, they are one with nature which is one with earth which is one with the Cosmos, which is one with universes & multi-verses etc.. and so, one with sacred living light source.

Just a different form of expression.

They also told me it is easier and truer when we are naked for them to scan our bodies, our clothes are a barrier, so they like to communicate my communication with them in my wooden bath as I am comfortable with their proximity while naked, as it is a natural situation while bathing to be naked. It’s true that I don’t feel any problem.

They say that when I ask for other people to ask if it is ok that Sasquatch go “telepathically under the cloths” to scan more accurately as they know that we humans might consider this an invading of our space, and too close for comfort. It would mean that we feel their presence during scanning more readily as we are self-conscious when approached by them in this way.

This aspect of nakedness seems to be quite an issue for us and thus for their communication with us…

Isn’t that interesting ?!

They are such delicate beings !

I don’t know who drew this magnificent image of the spirit of Sasquatch, but I am so grateful it was made… to me it captures their way of being in all delicacy perfectly 🙏🏻


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Susan Oros
Nov 18, 2023

Very interesting perspective Liz! 😃💓


Nov 17, 2023

F-a-s-c-i-n-a-t-i-n-g info (re: Sasquatch), Liz ... thanks for sharing!

BTW, I hope I'm commenting in the right spot ... it's confusing when the comment section is so far away from the related post.


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