(Sabine selfie, 2024)
At this point it is important to write about my closest friend ally and fellow ascension traveller, Sabine.
I have been very be-mored with beautiful relationships with others in my life, in as much as that they have been based on honesty and with a handful of them the openness to spirituality in (inter)action. From my friends some have come and gone, some lasted years, some only months. I am not one who needs hundreds of superficial connections (like FB friends), I used to prefer deep rooted lasting relationships over the social butterflies. I think it is because I always needed to manage my limited energy for most of my life, I don’t like to waste time and emotion on others who don’t really appreciate it.
In the first half of my adult life, my work in the classical music business did require me to do my networking, something which I was quite good at. This said, I always was a person who aimed for transparency and openness even in those situations, my personality didn’t allow it to be otherwise. Whenever deception was required it never felt good and I loathed being in that situation.
I had to learn that not everyone was like me, even people I felt I could trust. I found out it was wishful thinking on my part, wishing everyone to be innately good. This taught me to close up the solar plexus before going out in the world, I guess my first attempt at shielding.
The lockdowns and Corona Plandemic experience like for most of us, was a time of reaxamination of the ties I held on to with all of my friends and relations. All of a sudden it became very clear who was part of the old world, of my past and who was evolving in the same way as me. It took some bravery, but I voiced my opinions about the Plandemic more and more, first very carefully, then more uninhibited. I saw things with different eyes then before.
My eyes were being opened in various stages in different way in the 2nd decade of this century. Sabine, who was at first a friend of friends from the classical ballet world - which my partner and I frequented socially from the mid 90s - became a closer friend as we discovered we had similar interests outside of ballet and especially were into similar healing methods. My partner and Sabine’s long term partner where somewhat connected through classical music used for classical ballet, and so we socialised over dinners.
A funny little anecdote on how Sabine and I got to know each other better : another ballet dancer who knew my partner well and was part of our circle of friends, had a bit of a jealous tendency. We were going on a weekend trip to Paris where her brother lived, with whom we also were firm friends, all together in a van taking our bicycles with us. Sabine came along only for the ride, she had other plans in Paris. The jealous friend warned me, Sabine and you could never be friends, you are too different from one another, Sabine is not “your type”. Most of the trip, Sabine and I chatted and discovered how many interests we had in common, and how our way of thinking certainly coincided, much more then the friend in common.
Neither Sabine nor I forgot about this, it was the beginning of a beautiful friendship and we never looked back.
We didn’t see each other often, but we did enjoy sharing whenever we did meet up.
This relationship grew slowly, but steadily, in the measure that both our lives allowed it to develop, we had different issues and schedules to keep and were each in a very different place from where we are now.
My love for Sabine as a dear friend expanded with the enthousiasm for common things shared and my trust in her as a confidant, which turned out to be mutual.
Over the years we supported each other in ways that only close friends do. We advised each other when asked, but also were compassionate witnesses where only this was wished for. Concerning the latter, while I write this I know that Sabine is the wiser of the two. I tend to enthusiastically advice others what to do where that isn’t needed. I am much better at not becoming so servile, but I have to check myself still….
Sabine and I differ 6 years in age, but have our birthdays one day apart in august which makes us lionhearts, (at least in sidereal astrology, in tropical astrology we are cusp Virgo/Leo). I see how she deals with this and often admires her ways as they are different from mine.
In Asian astrology I am a rabbit (=> year) goat (=>hour of birth) Rooster (=>month), while she is Rooster ( =>year), Rat (=>Hour of birth), Rooster (=>month). The reason I bring the Asian astrology up is because in triangles of affinity/opposition Rabbit and Rooster are in great conflict. I can only assume that my hour of birth brings a bit of balance to my diplomatic Rabbit conflicting with Rooster. This kind of information will most likely be changing in the coming time too, it will be interesting to see how much Asian Astrology was influenced by the artificial matrix holding the artificial tilted earth in place.
Sabine and I have developed a very deep, loving, true friendship across that divide, our spiritual path being the backbone of it.
One aspect of her character that gives me great joy is her ability to be silly, it taps into my sense of humour as well as hers in a very innocent way. We share great moments of laughter and humour when we talk as well as when we write and nothing is a better medicine for the heart.
In the first decade of this century, my dear friend was also in part the person who drew my attention to a lot of truthers, wistleblowers and ascension movements when firstly she discovered project Camelot of the journalists Bill Ryan, Kerry Cassidy. Through them we got to know among others Inelia Benz, David Wilcock and his association with Cory Goode, as well as ET specialist Dr Greer. All the interviews we looked at were mind blowing to us, the Camelot people were looking for truth to expose, to broaden our minds to what is happening behind the scenes orchestrated by institutions like CIA and FBI basically cabal and how these were not operating for the highest good of all, as well as informing us more about extraterrestrial life and connections to it. The way it would go is Sabine would seek these things out look at it and pass it on to me, in the hope that after I would watch them, through our discussions I would make things she didn’t grasp easier to understand.
On the other hand, my weakness is that I tend to dive too deep and am taken in more easily in all enthousiasm and used to trust everyone has the best intentions without ulterior motives, Sabine is sharper in her discernment of this and moves on easier, leaving what doesn’t resonate, something I am learning to value from her.
This said, infiltrated as the above mentioned individuals are, they risk a lot and certainly for the times, showed tremendous bravery seeking truth. It was a basic education for both of us, of how to think differently and be open to other realities or views on reality. Inelia Benz remained a good guidance for me for a number of years, keeping me on a steady path of retraining the ego mind and how to work with positive affirmations to dispel shadow and the many fear mechanisms. For a while Inelia was a good guidance and counterbalance to other videos we both watched on Alien infiltration and their reign here on earth, as well as manipulation of reality by cabal (black hats / white hats : all in service of their own interests, black more ruthlessly then white) and their means by which to do so. They had their methods
like for example project looking glass or Haarp, MKUltra etc… all kinds of programming of the mind. There were many different testimonials from whistleblowers we witnessed and found with time all kinds of other sites to “get some news which sought to bring truth”. From Wilcock and company who we outgrew even before we realised how infiltrated these personalities are (knowingly or unknowingly, who knows), we moved on to Laura Eisenhower which felt very different already (this was a person I got interested in through another friend who is a powerful ascension warrior and grid worker and who was for a while a great colleague of the SCIO biofeedback). We found Laura Eisenhower’s interviews very varied and non judgmental, which we admired, we did however also move on from that kind of input. For a short time we worked with Matthew Mournian, he taught me some interesting things, but once again, he is like a lot of truth seekers/propagators who don’t seem to think securing a space by command it as well as teaching people to shield, is necessary or useful with the inevitable consequences. Once we discovered Lisa Renee, we became much wiser. Lisa we discovered in 2019 after watching a video from her where she explains what the ascension process really is about, what dimensions and harmonic Universes are and so on, we where very interested as she satisfied a thirst for knowledge and truth that felt good and resonated with our inner senses. In comparison with others it is such a positive input even if the going is tough…. By 2020 Sabine decided to sign up with ES, while for me that would have been too much at the time. I decided I would follow it more from the outside looking in, through all the material available to the public, as I could monitor how much ES material I could process.
Tracking back in time, my lovely fellow traveler and I became even closer friends when Tamara came into my life. She was one of two translators for me as she spoke Russian and was also interested in Tamara and her healing practices. The translations would be done over dinner or in the evening when Sabine could be available for a catch up on information. Tamara was also a powerful medium who could suddenly bring messages through in Russian which no one else present would understand, among others about the relationship Sabine was in (equally about the relationship I was in). It would take her of guard, as it usually was short and sotto voce and was never repeated if she didn’t catch what was said. The two of them liked each other.
A little anacdote about the Tamara visit to the Netherlands, Sabine also signed up for treatments, including the dreaded honey scrub… When she came to have a treatment, Tamara told her she had candida ( which thinking about it now is all about parasites and we certainly cultivated them back then). Before I met Tamara I had been on a strict 6 months Candida reducing diet, so when I heard this I jumped on it to give Sabine a whole program and schedule. Tamara who didn’t understand a word of what I was saying nevertheless understood what was happening and simply turned around to her with a smile saying in Russian “that’s good for Liz but that won’t work for you, it has to be simpler because you don’t have time” ! As a classical ballet dancer, Sabine was trying to live healthily, while choosing easy and light options like juices, again some of it my well meaning input I fear, not realising a dancer who jumps around all day long, needs a much more varied diet than shakes which already in many ways too lean for the energetic output, while not always for Sabine easy to digest + process into energy. Life as a dancer in a healthy body is very different from a person with compromised health who made it their life’s work and full time job to Self-heal by means of diet, yoga and supplements and physical healing sessions.
From the 2nd decade of this century our friendship grew with leaps and bounds. I paid long visits to Sabine wherever she lived in Europe (I didn’t manage other places in the world) and we share everything in our lives, discuss all manner of problems and experiences, philosophise about many awakening/ascension subjects, rely on one another’s good sense and knowledge and make our mistakes while seeking our truth relaying this to one another, relying on the sympathetic ear we require or the assistance/encouragement to find forgiveness in ourself and from one another. What one of us does very often inspires the other to try it out too whenever it resonates, in this way we bring each other forward towards finding out what contracts we made as Starseeds, as well as the fulfilling of our mission.
Sabine witnessed my transplant in 2009 and all the difficulties I had concerning this mentally and physically (my struggle with the meds). During a number of my visits to her she did some hands on healing, massaging me and challenging me to face my troubles, to find a way to communicate with the integrated kidney, especially to learn to listen without expectation…
We have been giving each other hands on healing sessions for many years before and after my transplant. It is special to grow together like this.
I went on full retreat from Easter 2020 for about 6 months, I saw it as healing-pilgrimage. My personal ascension team instructed me it was time to go within, to unfold my Self-healing abilities further without the help of external devices (like biofeedback) minimal use of aromatherapy, only diet and useful herbal supplements were ok, no reading of ES material, no watching lockdown videos, social media etc… no influencing by and or processing of outside impulses which was too taxing and distracting. The only contact I had was with friends of which Sabine was my trusted compassionate witness from afar (different parts of the world in different time zones), in a manner of speaking she became my “dear diary” personified through “electronic letter writing”. To share with her in this manner and receive her answers were a great encouragement, without it I would never have managed to travel this journey. Sabine is a person who has my back, knows how to be the observer without judgment, which at times has been a very challenging task for her. She was witness to many daring actions on my part, some of them bringing on very dark days.
I feel Sabine is an equal, our relationship is very well balanced in our give and take. We grow together, two peas in a pod on different yet parallel roads of spiritual advancement.
Last summer she visited me with her son, the roles of visitation have reversed, her birthday gift for my 60th birthday was the beautiful walking stick I use as an image for my blogs. She had it made specially in France by a professional craftsman. He couldn’t understand the message written on it and she had to insist this is what it should spell : “walking the path of the kidney builder” with little whales (symbol of freedom) and twin trees carved in it and the colour of blue ocean water.
It is hanging by my wooden bath where I do a lot of my self healing these days. I was very touched by that very thoughtful gift and symbolically it says it all.
This kind of bond in itself is a very healing support.
I am and remain in deep gratitude for this gift of friendship that teaches me the power of unconditional love.
(Sabine and I at her home in France 2019)
(Sabine’s visit to Amsterdam 2022)
Such a beautiful testimonial and tribute to Sabine. You are so blessed to have such a friend. Sounds like a true lifelong partner.
Beautiful, Liz! -- and such a gift to experience such a deep and loving friendship ... a reward and mirror regarding your own capacity to create and maintain such a sacred space for this relationship.
Speaking of Sabine ... her (former) presence was definitely a precious gift to this group! ... feel free to update us re: her current activities, etc. (of course, only info she's comfortable sharing publicly).
Lovely post Liz. It was like being in the room with both you and Sabine! xx Mary
So beautiful Liz! I feel the bond that you and Sabine share, and really admire it! Close friendship is such a valuable thing, isn't it! I hope we can all find our close friends - with whom we can share our most intimate and truest feelings! 😁