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Divine Architecture

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Divine architecture is something we all have access to, it is the activations that are unfolding and building sacred geometries, coded frequencies from the god sparks of creation that come alive within.
As I stepped into myself, to become embodied, I remembered the essence of the architectural building codes from God source. These structures are universal which means they can be used by all.

After coming into contact with the newly released MRNA injections,
I could better understand the AI frequencies in the shots. I had a series of transference into my own body that resulted in blood clotting, menstrual disturbances, various other blood traumas, skin issues, and migraines. I was tasked with understanding the nature of this sentient transition and the effects it has on the blood. I was witness to the destruction of the soul's cellular matrix in those who chose this path as well as the damage caused to others like myself who merely came into contact with the injected people.
and so I began to create.
The architecture took over a year to build. Often and even still I learn something new about the design. It affects each person uniquely as it meets you where you are energetically and commands you to become your highest self-expression. Sometimes this means one may be challenged physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
The Divine Architecture has the ability to disconnect your energy from Wesa and the controlling entities attached to these dimensions. It is designed to run copper rose gold as a base resonance, and overtones through the light body structures harmonizing each sphere/body of influence. The etheric herbal energies are balanced from on and off-planet medicines. Some have noted a fragrance and many can clearly see the roses throughout the design.
I have witnessed in some the ability to override black magic curses and spells. I have seen it assist with medical procedures and healing as well as block most spike proteins and clear blood clots. In some (depending on one's own frequency), it can clear previous spike proteins in the blood from transference.
The architecture is designed to assist you in self-actualization. This is created to grow with you as you heal, it is a tool and not designed as a crutch or a bypass for healing. As added support, we have a private telegram channel to discuss our journey and experiences, as well as to support each other as we all walk this path.

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etheric herb/air


for parasites and stop bleeding protects the blood

etheric herb/north/earth

Horse Tail

for skin as well as bone strengthening. lung disease, immune support and increases phagocyte count. Supports kidneys


etheric herb/fire/


to clear and prepare, connects to wind sylphs
(Thujone linked to CNS)

etheric herb/ earth


A spiritual healing tool to deepen one's connection to the divine realms. It acts as a protector and wards off evil spirits, acts as a shield, and offers powerful medicinal purposes, clearing parasites and inflammation in joints.

* if you have kidney issues or heart disease, please reach out to me prior to purchasing the divine architecture.

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