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There is no mistake you are here. Whatever it is you are going through, know that you have found a safe place to become all you forgot that you are. I am here to hold the light so that you may find your way.

Having been a healer my whole life, and in many other lives, I offer a unique approach to alchemize pain in the body -mind-spirit. By learning how to control the emotional body, one can embody the spirit self. When the spirit is grounded into the physical body, we all shine a bit brighter and the journey into the multiverse offers an open heart of co-creation with source.
I look forward to walking with you, meeting your guides, and sharing all I have learned here and in other realities.

Linda L

Chastity Ann is the rarest of celestial beings here to help those of us Starseeds (and truly, anyone) who has either lost their way, or does not yet have an operational skillset to be able to read and clear their own fields and function on higher-dimensional levels. I am in awe of her spiritual capabilities! Although many healers claim to see and remove "black-hat/AI" artifacts from clients, Chastity can assist your growth by helping you discern why and when they were placed , determine where your vulnerabilities lie, and how to prevent recurrence, as well as removal. This I find very empowering. She is also a Wayshower, educating by example and through demonstration, providing tools as needed. In essence, she teaches us how to fish. I have had the privilege of working with her for almost a year and wonder where I would be had a friend not told me about Chastity and her gifts! I count her as one of the greatest blessings in my life.



Shannon Nicole

“My spirit was elevated, I felt a shedding of weight that had been holding me down, and came away with renewed energy for life, and for creating something within to share the gifts that are inside me still waiting to be shared with the world. Every day since my reading has brought increased energy and vitality.”

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“In less than one year of exposure to her work, I’ve discovered that a calm, neutral feeling within myself has replaced an anxious response to a variety of “triggers” or situations encompassing various levels of intensity.”




 Enjoy our most used meditations for free!

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